The Athenian
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Meet the Athenian
Case Western Reserve University’s Best, Worst, and Only Active Satire Magazine
Exec Board
Meet our Exec Board! If you are interested in joining us, feel free to reach out to

Justin Zimmerman
Editor in Chief
Justin Zimmerman (4th year, Materials Science and Engineering) is our Editor-in-Chief, having previously been a Copy Editor (then “Proofreader”) and general contributor. This photo is current and he is in fact 12 years old. There’s technically nothing in the constitution that says that’s not allowed, but believe us we’re all desperately looking for ways to get rid of him anyway. When not Editing or in-Chiefing, he can be found playing games and watching Youtube compiilations on his iPad at full volume in public places, because of course he’s one of those kids. He enjoys the finer things in life, like Shirley Temples and dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, because again he is 12 years old. We cannot emphasize enough that our club is run by a literal child and we don’t know how to oust him for it.

Megan Abel
Managing Editor
Megan Abel is a third year majoring in Political Science, Environmental Studies, and Anthropology. She is our Managing Editor, and she will forget your name or think you are someone else, just about, every time she sees you. She can be seen around campus likely looking mad, but she is not – that is just her face. Basically a cat, Megan is often distracted and scared by loud noises and flashes of light, much to her roommate’s amusement (and concern).

Fiona Arado
co-Business Manager
Fiona Arado is a 2nd year majoring in Economics & Anthropology with a minor in Data Science (for now). She is 1/2 of the Business Manager duo and is very passionate about managing business. She can be found crocheting, agonizing over her fantasy football leagues, or ruining the lives of sims. She also really likes aquatic mammals (except dolphins because dolphins are evil).

Nat Qiu
co-Business Manager
Natalie “Nat for short” Qiu (3rd year, CS major with a minor in studio art), is 1/2 of the Athenian’s Business Managers and an avid contributor of janky graphics penned by their, human, hand. In his *non-existent* spare time outside of classes and her 3 other student orgs, they can be found sleeping until noon and stealing onions from the fridge.

Nealey Barak
Head of Design
Nealey Barak (2nd year Biology and Psychology major) is the head of design for the Athenian. She joined for the free rubber ducks and somehow ended up in an exec role, but she is trying to learn Adobe Indesign to make up for it. Outside of The Athenian, she has a radio show on WRUW, volunteers at the Cleveland apl, and can often be found avoiding homework to watch dancing with the stars.

Evan Durkee
Head of DistrIBution/Copy Editor
Evan Durkee. Sophomore. Electrical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering Major(s). Head of Distribution and Copy Editor.
He’s Evan

Kai Tibbitts
Social Media Manager
Kai Tibbitts (freshman, major undisclosed) is the Social Media Manager and lowkey just a chill guy (6’2 btw). Avid reader of feminist literature. Likes long walks on the beach, looking for a life partner (6’4 btw). Really cool and awesome at managing social media and being a psych and cognitive scientist major (6’7 btw)

David Kaplan
Webmaster/ARCHIVIST/Copy Editor
David Kaplan (freshie, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering major, Electrical Engineering and Human Suffering minor) is The Athenian’s Webmaster and Archivist and a Copy Editor. While not engaged in a furious battle for supremacy with WordPress, he enjoys relaxing in the beautiful environment that is the Case Engineering Quad (inside, of course.) His hobbies include reading, flying, and derailing exec meetings with jokes.

Jake Bridge
Copy Editor
Jake (Mathematics and English ’27) is doing his best, okay? He’s a copy editor for The Athenian and has written in both prose and verse for its illustrious pages. Outside of class, you could find him doing research in poetics, serving on the executive board of his (admittedly nerdy) fraternity, reading, hiking, and playing board and card games. If you don’t find him doing those things, he might be taking a biiiiiiig nap because he is such a sleepy guy. If he’s not doing that either, maybe take a look within yourself and ask why you’re trying to spy on him and find what he’s doing. What’s it to you? Maybe mind your own business. How would you like it if he knew everything that you did in your free time? Maybe Jake appreciates the freedom to do what he wants. Have you thought about that? Or don’t, I guess. Go read the next exec’s “About Me” and take a peek into their life. Filthy little devil. I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.