Confused (Issue 48)

Dear Crabby –

I recently found out my two roommates are sleeping together. This wouldn’t be such a problem, but we live in a tiny off campus apartment and it can be rather cramped. Back in the beginning, I was fine with the periodic orgies they’d throw – hell, I’d even join in periodically. But now that they’re all cooing and cuddling all over the place, I just don’t know what to do with myself. Sign me


Okay, Confused, what’s your deal? I mean, what, you had two hot roommates and didn’t expect this? God, please tell me they’re bisexual females. You’re living the dream, man.

Or are you not a man? Are you jealous that they’re all cuddly when you’re not? Because seriously? Just throw off some clothing and join them next time. If they used to have orgies they’d probably be fine with it.

In the meantime, just break out the video camera and share the wealth. Case has a forum for this kind of thing, you know.