Jim Potent (Issue 7)

Dr. Sex Rex, I’m getting old and having trouble getting up. what do you suggest? – Jim Potent

Well Jim, I may be a fossil myself, but I have no problem getting up or down. However, there is a solution for your predicament. Don’t feel too bad about your problem. Your condition is shared by many men and sometimes women. You need more excitement in your life. Just try to find something worth getting up for. The right woman will provide the necessary motivation to get you up and going. There is nothing like a fine lady to get you standing at attention. I hear they have pills for people in your situation, but sex may be the best motivation for getting your ass up and off the couch. Remember, it’s not how hard it is, it’s how hard you try.

Dr. Sex Rex’s Tips on How to Find Yourself a Fine Lady

Chicks love a man with a good job – here are the top 5 professions for attracting women:

  • 1. Maid – Girls like a clean man
  • 2. Skyscraper owner – ladies love men with big erections
  • 3. Baker – women love men with dough who know how to make bread
  • 4. Nurse – females love a man in uniform
  • 5. Engineer – just kidding. Engineers die pathetic and lonely

Chicks love a man with a sense of humor – these jokes will get the ladies laughing and keep them laughing the whole way home:

  • 1. I write for the Observer
  • 2. I’m a dungeon master!
  • 3. I’m in a fraternity – we’re a powerhouse of excellence!
  • 4. I’m an engineer
  • 5. Do you want to see my Anime collection?