Feel like it’s time to spice up your love life a bit? If you’re getting bored of doing the nasty in the same old places, try some of these spots around campus for a bit of a thrill.
Your roommate’s bed– This is a good place to start being adventurous. Since it’s close to your bed, you won’t get too nervous. Since it isn’t your bed, you and your partner won’t have to worry about smelling like cheese when you’re done getting it on.
Ass Factor: 3. If your roommate is in the bed: 8.
In the dirt at the construction site– In the past, you could have made whoopee under the bleachers. Now that they’re not there, don’t be afraid to roll around in the mud. If you like getting a little dirty, this one’s for you. Especially if you get the cops to join in when they come to arrest your naked ass.
Ass Factor: 5.
On the professor’s desk during class- This location has the ability to give even experienced adventurers a thrill. With the new overhead projector technology, you can make sure that even the students way in the back get a great view.
Ass Factor: 7.
On President Hundert– This spot is the ultimate adventure place. Only those with a great vision should attempt it. Once you do it here, though, you will have reached a new standard of excellence. Once you’ve knocked boots on top of the Pres, you’ve conquered the most powerful learning environment in the world.
Ass Factor: 10+++!
I hope these suggestions help bring excitement to your love life and to your crotch. Remember, if you really love me, you’ll have sex with me! Goodnight everybody.