Man’s Best Friend Part 2

Dear Advice Athenian,

Thank you for writing back. I do not know how my dog came about being able to talk, but I am glad to know that he doesn’t actually hate me, and that this will pass. It’s just been difficult to hear since we raised him from just a puppy—a shelter rescue, no less. This dog is my best friend and I can’t imagine a world where he secretly harbors resentment for me. I will keep an eye on him and post to your blogs if anything changes.

Thanks again,
Man’s Best Friend

Dear Man’s Best Friend,

Of course! We are always happy to help. If you do find out how he came into the ability to speak (and not just barking on command — laugh out loud!), feel free to share with our readers who may be in a similar position.

Sincerely yours,
Advice Athenian