Author name: Megan Abel

Timmy J., age 10

Dear Dee, Can you help me with my science fair project? [My science teacher] wants me to make a baking soda volcano but I wanna play Fortnite instead. I’m gonna be a Twitch streamer like Ninja when I grow up.   Timmy J., age 10 Dear Tim, Only nerds do their homework. Get that Victory Royale,

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Hailey S., age 6

Dear Dee, I think there’s a monster in my closet. It’s very scary and makes screaming noises at night. How do I make it go away? Hailey S., age 6 Dear Hailey, Assert your dominance and make even louder noises. If that doesn’t work, knock on your parents’ door. Everybody knows that closet monsters are

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Man’s Best Friend

Dear Advice Athenian, I found a blood sigil in our basement, candles and everything. I don’t know how he set it up without opposable thumbs, but I think that’s how it happened and now something is seriously wrong with my dog. He keeps saying things like, “This canine form is limiting,” and growling at the

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Man’s Best Friend

Dear Advice Athenian, By some scientific miracle, my dog acquired the ability to formulate intelligent human speech, but all he talks about is how much he hates me. I fear I’ve committed a crime against God and nature and I don’t know what to do. Please help! Sincerely,Man’s Best Friend Dear Man’s Best Friend, Believe

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